Coco Lee, Hong Kong singer and songwriter who had international success, dies at 48

by John Smith | July 6th 2023
Hong Kong singer and songwriter Coco Lee died on Thursday, July 6, 2023, at the age of 48. Lee's death was confirmed by her management team, who said she had been battling cancer for some time. Lee was born in Hong Ko...

Beyoncé Renaissance World Tour Pittsburgh show canceled

by John Smith | July 5th 2023
Pittsburgh, PA - The highly anticipated Beyoncé Renaissance World Tour show in Pittsburgh has been canceled due to "production logistics and scheduling issues." The show was scheduled to take place on August 3 at Acri...

Hiker Dies in Grand Canyon in Triple-Digit Heat

by John Smith | July 5th 2023
A hiker died in the Grand Canyon on Wednesday after being overcome by heat. The hiker, who has not been identified, was found dead near the South Kaibab Trail. The National Park Service said that the hiker was hiking...
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