Elon Musk's Twitter Takeover: The Latest Updates

by John Smith | July 5th 2023
Elon Musk's acquisition of Twitter has been one of the most talked-about stories in the tech industry in recent months. The deal, which is valued at $44 billion, is expected to close later this year. Here is a timelin...

Supreme Court Rules on Affirmative Action in College Admissions

by John Smith | July 5th 2023
The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that affirmative action programs in college admissions can be legal, but they must be narrowly tailored to achieve a compelling government interest. The ruling is a major victory for...

Why Rivian Stock Soared Monday Morning

by John Smith | July 5th 2023
Rivian Automotive (NASDAQ: RIVN) stock soared on Monday morning, rising as much as 16.4% at one point. The gains came after the company reported second-quarter deliveries that soared 60% over the first quarter. Rivia...
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