Briefing: Gunman Opens Fire on Philadelphia Streets

by John Smith | July 4th 2023
Introduction:On June 4, 2023, Philadelphia was struck by yet another distressing incident of gun violence when a gunman opened fire on the city's streets. This shocking act of aggression has once again brought attentio...

Philadelphia Shooting: A Call to Address Gun Violence and Seek Comprehensive Solutions

by John Smith | July 4th 2023
Introduction:The city of Philadelphia was struck by a devastating incident of gun violence, resulting in the tragic loss of five lives and leaving two others injured. This harrowing event serves as a stark reminder of...

Ven. Fulton Sheen: 'The Declaration of Independence Is a Declaration of Dependence'

by John Smith | July 4th 2023
Introduction:Ven. Fulton Sheen, a renowned Catholic bishop and theologian, once made a thought-provoking statement, asserting that the Declaration of Independence is, in fact, a declaration of dependence. His profound...
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