by John Smith
July 4th 2023.


Ven. Fulton Sheen, a renowned Catholic bishop and theologian, once made a thought-provoking statement, asserting that the Declaration of Independence is, in fact, a declaration of dependence. His profound insight challenges our understanding of freedom and independence, shedding light on the deeper spiritual dimension of human existence. In this article, we will delve into the wisdom of Ven. Fulton Sheen and explore the profound implications of his words.

The Essence of Sheen's Perspective:
According to Ven. Fulton Sheen, the Declaration of Independence, which stands as a cornerstone of American history and principles, is not a proclamation of absolute individual autonomy but rather a recognition of our dependence on a higher power. Sheen believed that true freedom does not arise from the absence of all authority, but from submitting to the divine authority that governs the universe. In his view, the Founding Fathers acknowledged this fundamental truth when they declared their independence from a temporal power while embracing their ultimate dependence on God.

Understanding Dependence in the Context of Freedom:
Ven. Fulton Sheen's perspective challenges us to reconsider the notion of dependence as a negative or limiting concept. Instead, he invites us to recognize that true freedom is intricately intertwined with our acknowledgment of our dependence on God's providence and guidance. In embracing our dependence on a higher power, we find the freedom to live in accordance with moral principles, to pursue the common good, and to seek genuine happiness.

The Dangers of Misunderstood Independence:
Ven. Fulton Sheen's words carry a crucial warning against a distorted understanding of independence that isolates individuals from any authority or responsibility. When independence becomes detached from moral accountability and the recognition of our interconnectedness, it can lead to an individualistic mindset that prioritizes self-interest above communal well-being. Sheen reminds us that authentic freedom should always be balanced with a sense of responsibility and a commitment to the common good.

Freedom Found in Dependence on God:
For Ven. Fulton Sheen, true liberation lies not in the rejection of authority but in embracing our reliance on the ultimate authority—God. By acknowledging our dependence on God's wisdom and grace, we tap into a transcendent source of freedom that elevates and empowers us to live virtuously, to love unconditionally, and to contribute positively to society. It is within this relationship of dependence on God that our truest and most profound freedom is discovered.

Ven. Fulton Sheen's insightful statement, "The Declaration of Independence Is a Declaration of Dependence," challenges our conventional understanding of freedom and independence. His words remind us that true freedom is not found in a complete detachment from all authority but in a humble recognition of our dependence on God. As we celebrate the principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, let us also embrace the deeper spiritual truth that our authentic freedom is ultimately rooted in our dependence on the divine.

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