LA Galaxy Upset LAFC in Front of Electric, Record-Breaking Rose Bowl Crowd

by John Smith | July 5th 2023
In a match that had been postponed twice due to weather, the LA Galaxy and LAFC finally met on July 4th at the Rose Bowl in front of a record-breaking crowd of 82,110 fans. The Galaxy came out on top, defeating LAFC 2-...

Roger Federer Gets Standing O as Wimbledon Career Celebrated

by John Smith | July 5th 2023
Roger Federer received a standing ovation of 1½ minutes on Tuesday as he was celebrated for his career and his men's-record eight singles championships at Wimbledon. The Swiss star, who turns 42 on Aug. 8, announced...

Heroic Astronaut Sally Ride Honored at Unveiling of Her Statue at Reagan Museum

by John Smith | July 5th 2023
A life-size statue of Sally Ride, the first American woman to travel to space, was unveiled on July 4, 2023 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, California. The statue was created by the...
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