by John Smith
July 5th 2023.

The New York Police Department (NYPD) is still searching for two men who vandalized two synagogues in Coney Island, Brooklyn, on May 14, 2023. The men were captured on surveillance video spray-painting graffiti on the buildings.

The first synagogue, Congregation Adath Israel, was vandalized at around 12:30 a.m. The second synagogue, Congregation Bais Yaakov, was vandalized about two hours later.

The NYPD Hate Crime Task Force is investigating the vandalism, which they believe was motivated by anti-Semitism.

"This was a hate crime against two houses of worship," said NYPD Chief of Detectives James Essig. "We will not tolerate this type of behavior in our city."

The NYPD is offering a reward of up to $2,500 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspects.

Anyone with information about the vandalism is asked to call the NYPD Crime Stoppers hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).

Surveillance Video Released

The NYPD has released surveillance video of the two suspects. The video shows one of the suspects spray-painting graffiti on the side of Congregation Adath Israel. The other suspect is seen walking away from the scene.

The suspects are described as two men in their 20s or 30s. One suspect is wearing a black baseball hat, a black jacket, and black pants. The other suspect is wearing a white baseball hat, a blue jacket, and blue jeans.

Community Outraged

The vandalism has outraged the Coney Island community. "This is a hate crime, and it's unacceptable," said Rabbi Yaakov Bender of Congregation Adath Israel. "We are a peaceful community, and we will not tolerate this type of behavior."

"This is a sad day for Coney Island," said Councilman Mark Treyger. "We are a diverse community, and we will not let this type of hate divide us."

Police Continue to Investigate

The NYPD is continuing to investigate the vandalism. They are asking anyone with information about the suspects to come forward.

"We are committed to finding these suspects and bringing them to justice," said Chief Essig. "We will not tolerate hate crimes in our city."

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